How to Test Reading Files in Deno
As described in Atomic Habits, to create a habit you should try to make it as obvious and easy as possible.
In the context of this blog, I am currently taking the time to create a publishing pipeline that will make creating content a breeze.
After toying with the idea of using Rust or Go, I chose Deno to write the program that transforms my Obsidian notes into markdown files.
In order to parse and transform these files, I need to read them first. With Deno it’s very easy. Deno ships with core functionalities to interact with the file system.
In this case, I’m using readDir to recursively traverse my vault directory, collect notes and transform them as needed.
The question is: How can I test this?
My first thought was to keep my repo clean by generating files during the test and removing them at the end. However, it added complexity without adding much value.
In an effort to remain KISS, I created a _testFolder
that contains multiple markdown files representing different scenarios: missing frontmatter, invalid frontmatter, no content…
This has the advantage of letting me create and test as many unhappy paths as needed. It is always easy to test the happy path and get a good coverage report, but you have only validated that if everything lines up, it works. It is a great start, but you want your test to give confidence through testing what if the input is less than ideal?
When testing, it is to try to cover as many unhappy paths as possible.
The simplicity of this allows me to test different scenarios very easily.
The content of each notes is designed to test different scenarios, such
or subfolder/
Now I can write tests such as:
describe("Note", () => {
it("should let me obtain the frontmatter", () => {
const expected = {
title: "hello world",
created_at: new Date("2023-01-01 12:00"),
last_modified_at: new Date("2023-01-01 18:00"),
slug: "hello-world",
status: "publish",
tags: [
assertEquals(expected, note.frontmatter);
// ...more test
On top of this, I keep a snapshot of each note in my test notes.
This might be over-the-top, but it protects the notes from being inadvertently changed and helps debug failing tests: is the logic broken, or has the test file changed?
To keep snapshots of my notes, I’m using brute force - which sounds bad, but it’s quite ffective since I don’t intend to have more than 30-50 files at most.
I recursively read the notes in the _testFolder
and take a snapshot of their content:
import { assertSnapshot } from "";
import {readDirRecursively} from "./utils";
// This is a utility function that returns all notes within a folder, including subfolders.
const notes = readDirRecursively('../_testFolder');
for (const note of notes){
Deno.test(`${note} content has not changed`, async function (t): Promise<void> {
const content = Deno.readTextFileSync(note.filePath);
await assertSnapshot(t, content);<<<<<<< autopublish-1679971392158
I might dedicate a whole post about this pipeline I’m working on.
It is currently in use, but it has evolved from a single script to a CLI - and I’m now considering using it as part of a broader CMS. Scope creep, hello!
If you are curious about readDirRecursively
, I have written an article about it.
If you want to know more about Deno testing, Deno’s documentation is outstanding, and highly encourage you to check it out
See you soon 👋 Alo